Innerr Visions

Budh Thrivikrama

Balancing the Swadishtana Chakra: Pathway to Success and Well-being

The Swadishtana chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra, is the second of the seven primary energy centers (chakras) in the human body. Located just below the navel, it is the seat of our creative energy, emotions, pleasure, and relationships. In Sanskrit, “Swadishtana” translates to “one’s own abode,” symbolizing the intimate connection we have with

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The Importance of the Root Chakra (Mooladhara Chakra) and How to Balance It

The Root Chakra, known as the Mooladhara Chakra in Sanskrit, forms the foundation of our entire energy system. As the first of the seven primary chakras, it is located at the base of the spine, near the perineum, and is associated with the element Earth. The Sanskrit word “Mooladhara” translates to “root support,” signifying its

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The Hidden Scars: How Dysfunctional Families Impact Children and the Crucial Role of External Support

Families are often seen as the bedrock of a child’s development, a source of love, support, and guidance. However, not all families function in a way that nurtures a child’s well-being. In some cases, the environment within a home can be toxic, leading to what is commonly referred to as a dysfunctional family. This term

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The Silent Struggle: Onset of Insecurity and its Lingering Impact on Personality and Health

In the intricate tapestry of human development, the absence of recognition and acknowledgment can cast a shadow that extends far beyond childhood. The onset of insecurity, stemming from a dearth of validation, can shape an individual’s personality and health as they navigate the complex journey of life. Understanding this silent struggle is essential to foster

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“How Recognition Shapes Personality: Unlocking the Power of Acknowledgment”

The Power of Recognition and Acknowledgment: Shaping Human Personality from Birth Unlocking the Power of Acknowledgment From the moment a child enters the world, the innate desire to be seen, valued, and celebrated begins to shape their personality. Recognition and acknowledgment aren’t just feel-good gestures; they are foundational forces that influence confidence, emotional intelligence, and

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“Shadows to Success: A Case Study on Overcoming Underperformance with a Relationship Architect”

In a bustling metropolis in India, there lived a man named Rahul. To the world, he was an underperformer in both his personal and professional life, silently battling the shadows of misperception. Rahul held a mid-level position in a renowned IT company, yet his career seemed stagnant, and he carried the reputation of someone who

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“The Illusion of Perception: A Case Study on How Misjudgement Can Poison Relationships and Health”

Once upon a time in a quiet suburban neighbourhood, there lived a couple, John and Sarah. They were the embodiment of love and affection, or so it seemed. However, their story is a stark reminder of how perception can shatter the most beautiful relationships and have a profound impact on one’s health. John, a successful

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8 Important Attributes

Relationships are one of the most important aspects of our lives. They bring us happiness, love, and support. However, they can also bring us pain, heartbreak, and disappointment. In order to build a fulfilling relationship, it is important to understand the qualities that create green flags in a partnership. These green flags are the positive

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Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is a common problem that plagues many people, regardless of age or profession. It is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions, often to the point where they become overwhelming or unmanageable. While it may seem like a harmless habit, procrastination can have serious consequences on one’s personal and professional life. In

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Why Let Go?

Let go of Anger, Hate, Jealousy, grudges and bitterness How Letting Go of Negative Emotions Can Improve Your Life At some point in our lives, we have all been hurt by someone, whether it’s a parent who criticized us, a colleague who sabotaged a project, or a partner who cheated on us. These experiences can

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Can You Pass This Happiness Test?

          Dipti, who did her Masters in Electronics Engineering, was working for a Govt establishment, drawing handsome salaries and perks, aspired to serve in the private sector for better growth prospectus. She did get a few offers, however, the last one was very attractive, in terms of salary, location, career growth

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