K, a renowned Medical Astrologer, had established his successful practice in Kanpur. However, as demand grew, he shifted to Delhi and became an advisor to politicians and elite members of society. At the peak of his career, K experienced piercing pain in his right temple and was rushed to the hospital. Despite numerous tests, no physical cause was found, leaving K confused and in pain for almost 8 years.
As a medical astrologer, K examined his planetary influences but was unable to draw any conclusions. It wasn’t until he sought help in Dalajam and went through a year of personalized coaching that he discovered the source of his problem: Projection.
Projection is a mental process where people attribute to others what is in their own minds. In K’s case, he was in a self-critical state, leading him to think that others were critical of him. This projection caused him to experience physical pain and mental distress.
Fortunately, with the help of coaching, K was able to overcome his projection and heal from his pain. This journey highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health issues, even for successful and accomplished individuals like K.
If you’re struggling with self-criticism or projection, know that there is hope for healing. Seeking help from a mental health professional or coach can make all the difference. With the right support, you too can overcome projection and live a fulfilling life.